Saturday, October 08, 2005

The apartment

I met Sam at the FCC lobby, we filled out a rental contract and then his assistant lugged my bag across the street, Sam motioned to his ankle as the reason he wasn’t going to accompany us up the stairs . We pass through a dark and dirty alley to a pad-locked gate, after a considerable effort the lock opens. The aide carries my bag up, we both hit our heads at each of the three low ceilinged bits as we both were concentrating on keeping our footing on the complex stair design. You could call it an artistic interpretation of a staircase. Different heights, widths, and angles suggest a different mad dwarf designed and built each step. We arrive at etage 4 and my first impression is a good one. The stairs end in a hallway - to the right are the kitchen and bathroom, to the left the bedroom and beyond that, past a wide wooden sliding door is the living room and balcony. Aircon in the kitchen, bedroom and living room. The bathroom has a padlocked metal door with a glass-less window to the back balcony (to let the mosquitos out). Dark hardwood floors throughout, except for tiles in the hall, kitchen and bathroom.

1 comment:

jee said...

Ouch! Poor little smart head! But you got there!
Um beijo,